The Nutrition and Food Web Archive - PC and Web Essentials
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Keeping Your PC CleanCrap Cleaner
A great free program that cleans your temporary files, registry, and index files.
This is a great utility to find out if you may have spyware running on your pc. It is more for the advanced user, so be careful not to delete something you shouldn’t.
Itty Bitty Process Manager
Great little program to see running processes with the capability to show .DLL’s loaded by the processes. You can track and detect viruses with this.
Trend Micro Free Online Virus Scan
Free online virus scan provided by Trend Micro.
How do I screen capture?Go to the screen you want to capture and hold down ALT and click Print Screen (usually top of keyboard). Then open paint or otherimage programs like Photoshop and paste. You can then edit the image or saveit.
How do I find what I want on the web?If you are looking for an answer to a question or somethingvery specific, put parentheses around the phrase. Say you want to find thefollowing answer to the question: What causes zinc deficiency? Go to a searchengine like Google and type the question like this “Whatcauses zinc deficiency?” and search. If nothing comes up, just edit thephrase to something like “causes of zincdeficiency”. This may also require a few different phrases like (“zinc” and“causes of deficiency”).
TIP: When your results aredisplayed, don’t click on the direct link. Instead click on CACHED or VIEW HTML, if it is a pdf file, and thiswill highlight the exact phraseon the page. This will save you time because you will most likely runacross pages that are of no use to you. It will also save some time withopening the pdf and then having to scroll through.
How do I find Images?Again Google (yes I am a fan) search what you want and thenclick Images. Remember that most images are copyrighted and not free fordistribution. It is always good to reference in your presentations.
Everything is capitalized, can I make it allno caps?Yes. Select the caps you want to be no caps and then hit Shift F3. It will also work the otherway around as well.
Do I need AOL to get on the internet? No. You need either a modem or Ethernet card with a serviceprovider. AOL can be your service provider, but you could use a company likeComcast or many other cheaper companies that will allow you to connect. Youalso need a browser (ie., Internet Explorer, Netscape), which every Windows or Machas.
What about email? Mine is through AOL…Most service providers will provide you with an emailinterface that you can use. So for example, if your current email is and you switch to Comcast, you cansetup an email account with them and use your same name if it is stillavailable. Your new email address would then be that if you can use the same name, it is only the piece after @ that is different.You can find out more information about someone or the service provider/serverthey use by just typing in the server name in your address bar. This can behandy if you get an email from someone that has email through their website(example would be me: you want to know more about them. Just type in and it will bring you to the website.
TIP: If you use a modem,you should not be paying more than $10-$15/month for service. If you are payingmore, change providers and use the email system they provide or get a freeaccount (yahoo or hotmail). LAN (Ethernet) is better and faster but can becostly.
How do I change my Homepage in Internet Explorer?Open Internet Explorer and find Tools (click this) and scroll down to Internet Options (click to open). Change Homepage.
TIP: I open to Googlebecause it is fast and then I proceed to find what I need. If you want to readthe news, just type your news source in Google (i.e., CNN) and click I’m Feeling Lucky which will go rightto the page.